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Affichage des articles du janvier, 2018

Enlightenment part 3

(Part 1 & 2 here) So, as I was saying before getting lost in gonzo journalism, I know, I know, it's always hard to learn that something you don't care about doesn't exist. As it turns out, and because I've traveled extensively to look for them, there are some people who care about this. Apparently, even someone as sharp as Bill Hicks used to actively aim at getting enlightened.  And he's not the only one. Most of the people I've encountered in the recent years have some sort of link with the concept, whether they are yogis, monks, intellectuals or therapists. Since I haven't been asked to clear the subject once and for all, let me rant for free on the subject. Oh and full disclosure, I can't really talk about it because of an official NDA pertaining the uselessness of such an endeavour. Yet, there's something that has been experienced which I think was some sort of dip into the unnamable. There's no pride in this, I would be comple