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Affichage des articles du juillet, 2017

Karma part 1

Hello there, Long time no see uh? Since I'm currently travelling, I am once again meeting the nomad category of Western people in Asia. There are many things to say about why we travel, and who travels. What struck me again is to see how a lot of the people I met have integrated some chakrayalam concepts, including karma.  NB: chakrayalam is the language spoken by new age yogis travlin' around the world. Though it is not restricted to them, it's a weird mixture of pseudo spiritual stuff and relevant remarks on where to find a cheap dentist in Chiang Mai, with hints of sanskrit and mystical references. So with hard work and dedication, I've reached level A2. I cannot use it because I have not been allowed by the Supreme Council of Universal Thruths than Shall Remain Secret Especially to Those Who Respect Nothing, but also, it seems that I don't care and shall risk life bannishment because indeed, I respect nothing. So, karma.  I don't intend to refer to any spir