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Affichage des articles du janvier, 2017

The last Trump

Dear all, During the transition between last and this year - between the Obama administration and the new one - between a world that seems, in retrospect, to have been predictable and weirdly light, my grandfather died. I know, another important piece of information for the world wide web - the echo chamber of self-centeredness. It's not so much that he died that is worth writing about, it's that he was the last of his bataillon - of the French Free Forces. The last to have survived battles such as Bir-Hakeim, El Alamein, etc. The traces of the 2nd world war were real, embodied through him, and others, and he left a mark on many. With him disappears another member of this generation who fought and saw so much destruction at such young age. Of course, the level of unpredictability and the multiple alarming factors in our current world make the comparison with 1938 very easy. Yet, we must also think about how it's going to be different, you know, technology - or evolutio