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Affichage des articles du 2017

I love you

A friend is one who makes me better.  It's with this highly meme-sounding quote that I'd like to start today's rambling.  I've recently been on a long trip for a wedding and I had the chance to meet some of my friends along the way. The older I get, the more I realize how delicate our lives are. Everyone is getting older, marrying, becoming pregnant, helping a sick parent. Mortality and life become real themes, we fixate into matter, and despite what I've laboriously tried to prove, there is indeed such a thing as cause and consequence. Our lives decant, or at least yours do. But that's not the point. Meeting my core friends always warms up my heart, especially in Berlin, which remains the town in which I feel the more rested. It probably is because the general atmosphere of the town is more reflective and critical, and life is less filtered by everyone's ambition to run towards success (🔛 this way guys). But that's not either the point. As I was notici


Hyo, So this is something that I've been wanting to adress for a while. During my legal studies, I was taught that the European Union, actually the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which rose in prominence parallel to the deepening of the economical European Union, had made transparency an important requisite of what constitutes a fair trial. For those who know about the law it's nothing new, so 6§1, Kress c. France, 7th of june 2001, and  21.06.2006, the French institution of the Commissaire au gouvernement, etc. Basically France has been condemned because the Commissaire au gouvernement at the Conseil d'Etat (the highest administrative court, judging on legal matters, not factual ones), now called the rapporteur public, was present during the judges' deliberations - even though he had no judging power and was not supposed to give his opinion or vote. The Commissaire au gouvernement is required to give her conclusions at the end of the debates, conclusions

Karma part 2

Is there a way to inhabit peacefully the world? What is karma telling us about this? How can one live within the world without entertaining and feeding what cuts us from the wonder of being alive? Isn't that the whole point of life? Sorry for the vague generality of these questions. Let me start by this often quoted sentence attributed to Rumi, saying that you shouldn't be looking for love, but rather becoming aware of everything that cuts you from experiencing it. I guess that's how I would understand the whole idea of karma. This type of questioning might seem vain, sorry, especially since most of those who know me know how little I set an example for anything. But I'm regularly caught in questions about the consequence of one's actions - and doubts as to whether or not I should be doing this or that. To be actually more honest, it often comes back to the idea of complete equivalence of several alternatives: which one should prevail? How to filter what is

Karma part 1

Hello there, Long time no see uh? Since I'm currently travelling, I am once again meeting the nomad category of Western people in Asia. There are many things to say about why we travel, and who travels. What struck me again is to see how a lot of the people I met have integrated some chakrayalam concepts, including karma.  NB: chakrayalam is the language spoken by new age yogis travlin' around the world. Though it is not restricted to them, it's a weird mixture of pseudo spiritual stuff and relevant remarks on where to find a cheap dentist in Chiang Mai, with hints of sanskrit and mystical references. So with hard work and dedication, I've reached level A2. I cannot use it because I have not been allowed by the Supreme Council of Universal Thruths than Shall Remain Secret Especially to Those Who Respect Nothing, but also, it seems that I don't care and shall risk life bannishment because indeed, I respect nothing. So, karma.  I don't intend to refer to any spir