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Affichage des articles du juin, 2016

The acentral consciousness

We are relative(s). There is no I. Actually the closer you look at something, the more you see that there is nothing to see, no category that holds and doesn't dissolve under attention. As much as ice melts into water and looses its form, any exploration of life, by a self, by my centric self, is bound to make me realize that I am, and that which says I is not merely as solid as it might appear.  Identity, history, physical matter, all seem solid but are not, with close scrutiny. There is no other thing than that which is - and language, as much as the hand trying to capture water, is obviously unable to capture the stream. So all the efforts made to control, enclose reality, whether in language, or through derivatives of language (technology, power, etc.) seem vain. When we quietly go back under the usual internal rambling that makes us look at things from my point of view and constantly characterize things in relation to my self, we can actually feel how little reality s