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Affichage des articles du septembre, 2015

* Health *

Alright folks, today's topic: health. What is it? After 3 years giving massages in Paris, I have to come out of the closet: massages are not the Graal to health. Yep sorry. Actually, some people are consuming massages the way they would consume anything - without paying attention, having the misconception that something branded "healthy" that they pay (and believe me, they pay :)) for should provide them with a certain quality of being. I actually heard of someone who got sued from one of her regular attendee because she had cancer. In a gesture of anger, and refusal, she preferred to sue her massage therapist in order to have someone to blame for it. That's unfortunate, not to mention pointless and wasteful. But indeed, it illustrates some of the rather poor ideas some of us have on health. So let me randomly banter on that topic. 1. Health is the absence of disease. In a society (the French society) famous for its disdain for the body, and its high medicati